Careful, Beauties Ahead! My Year With the Ultra-Orthodox  

Events October 2023 through March 2024 take place in Israel, Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic. Coming to NYC mid 2024. 

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Czech TV

Limited public events in 2021/22:




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Shakeup at the Labour Party brought about by "The Taming of the Jew"



A Journey through a Land Obsessed with Jews

Funnier than ever, scarier than ever, Tuvia Tenenbom, the artistic director of The Jewish Theater of New York, is here again with The Taming of the Jew.

It all happens when Tuvia shows up in Her Majesty's land, pretending to be anything but a Jew, and takes on its inhabitants, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, smell, sex, gender, color, height, girth, or animal species. 

Traveling through the four nations that make up the Kingdom -- Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales -- he visits many places and interviews people all around the United Kingdom. If you look for him, you can find him napping in Winston Churchill's room, sleeping on Hillary Clinton's bed, playing cat and mouse with Jeremy Corbyn, smoking forbidden tobacco with Nigel Farage, eating a monster, and stalking a she-ghost. Yeah.

As you might expect, he asks the Island people easy, simple questions: What's special about you? At precisely what age have you realized that you hate Jews? 

The Islanders, creatures well-groomed and well-mannered, take their time to politely and earnestly answer any and each of Tuvia's questions. Oh Lord, the answers they give!

The Taming of the Jew also incorporates interviews with British Jews, subjects well tamed to always and forever protect the excellent reputation of their non-Jewish torturers. 

Written by an author who is both an investigative journalist and a dramatist, The Taming of the Jew masterfully intertwines highly entertaining stories with shockingly brutal facts, affecting you in ways you've never thought mere words could.

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"What differentiates this book from other books is this: This book is very funny."

Yaron London, Channel 11 TV (Israel)

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"Amazingly frank, amusing, fearless and chuzpadik . . . wonderfully readable . . . Highly recommended." 

Neville Teller, The Jerusalem Report (Israel)

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"If J.D. Salinger and John Steinbeck collaborated on antisemitism in the UK, they might have written The Taming of the Jew."

H. Fragman Abramson, Jewish Press (USA) 

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"This is a frightening book and deserves to be read."

 David Herman, The Article (UK)

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"A pointed, savage and often comic travelogue about attitudes in Britain and Ireland … Most excruciating, he finds perfectly 'tamed' British Jews who equivocate about the Jew-hatred in their country." 

Melanie Phillips, Jewish Chronicle (UK) 

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"Quizzical and tragic at the same time, the sort of comedy sketches that Samuel Beckett might have written if he were Jewish rather than Irish."

David Goldman, Algemeiner (USA) 

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"An excellent book!"

Avri Gilad, Channel 13 TV (Israel)

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"An accurate picture of reality, more accurate than BBC and CNN."

Roman Joch, Lidové Noviny (Czech Republic)

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"Razor sharp, sarcastic, occasionally even shocking, and very entertaining."

Petr Kolář, MF DNES (Czech Republic)

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»Tenenbom beeindruckt mit seinem unnachgiebigen Hinterfragen dessen, was sich ihm präsentiert und was ihm erzählt wird und erregt damit regelmäßig Irritationen bei seinen Gesprächspartnern … Tenenboms Buch ist nicht nur der umfangreichste der hier vorgestellten Titel, es hinterlässt auch die verstörendsten Einsichten und Fragen.«

Holger Ehling, Buchkultur (Austria)

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"Tenenbom’s books are easy to read and digest. They are funny, full of self-depricating humor, and describe situations the writer finds himself in, accidentally or intentionally, that lead the reader to be fully engaged." 

Zvika Klein, Makor Rishon (Israel)

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"Knowing how to deal with the everyday comic moments of life, while integrating the bizarre parts of the same life, is a craft and Tenenbom has it." 

Christopher Wimmer, taz, die tageszeitung (Germany)

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"You will be amused, and often laugh out loud, because Tenenbom is funny."

Walter Kaufmann, Neues Deutschland (Germany)

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"Full of investigative chutzpah and laughter, poetic like a bird flapping its wings, and sensual like a man loudly enjoying his meal ... mixing British wit and Talmudic subtleties."

Matthias Matussek, Die Weltwoche (Switzerland)

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"Without prejudice, and employing subtle humor, Tenenbom listens to his interviewees as they are desperately justifying themselves."

Steffen Könau, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Germany)

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"Tenenbom is the Egon Erwin Kirsch of our time."

Henryk M. Broder, Achgut (Germany)

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»Um die Geistes- und Gemütsverfassung einer Gesellschaft zu erforschen, gibt es für Tuvia Tenenbom kein geeigneteres Mittel als das Reisen. Dabei verlässt er sich bei der Routenplanung ganz auf Intuition und Tageslaune. Tenenboms Bewegungslust hat etwas Verschwenderisches, doch sie erweist sich als äußerst effizient. Soziale Gefälle im Land und Mentalitätsunterschiede werden durch den Zickzackkurs, den er einschlägt, augenfälliger.« 

Sigrid Brinkmann, Deutschlandfunk (Germany)

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»Tenenbom kommt mit einer befreiten, teils schelmischen Gangart um die Ecke und holt aus seinem Gegenüber die skurrilsten, teilweise unlogischen Statements heraus.« 

Filip Gaspar, Jüdische Rundschau (Germany)

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»Man könnte Tenenbom einen ›Autor provocateur‹ nennen, dessen direkte, immer wieder auch naiv-manipulative Art fast an Sacha Baron Cohens ›Borat‹ erinnert.«

Sophie Albers Ben Chamo, Jüdische Allgemeine (Germany)

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"Tenenbom’s writing is laced with great entertainment, while at the same time providing much knowledge." 

Ulrike Borowczyk, Hamburger Abendblatt

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This event cancelled due to lockdown. New date, if no lockdown: October 29, 2020

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Presentation @ the Jewish Community, Hamburg, sponsored by DIG, Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft, Hamburg 

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Presentation @ Bar 439, Hamburg, February 20, 2020

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Launch in Prague, Czech Republic, at the Cervo Institut

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#1 Bestseller (Israel)

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Still #1 Bestseller (Israel), week after week after week...

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Yaron London, one of Israel's most celebrated journalists, embracing the book on his TV set.

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THE TAMING OF THE JEW  is available in English as of March 1, 2021.     

Stage presentations in New York and elsewhere in the USA are presently planned for early 2022.

THE TAMING OF THE JEW was commissioned by Suhrkamp Verlag in Berlin, under the title ALLEIN UNTER BRITEN.

 Videography: Florian Krauss, Sound: Daniel Till